December 30, 2024

The Great Outdoors!

 It was wonderful going outdoors for a walk today.  Up until now, I've doing "laps" in the house - which is a total bore.

December 29, 2024

She Remembers...

It's a dreary day, cold and gloomy.  Time to focus on something other than myself.


December 28, 2024

December 23, 2024

Moving forward....

 If I didn't have my art journal to work on, how would I spend my time? I would be very bored.  

 My favorite way to begin the day - a big cup of coffee!

On the Rocks!

December 20, 2024

No Bending!!


My daily routine needed a major overhaul with NO lifting, NO bending, and NO twisting.

December 17, 2024

Let the Healing Begin...

 I'm so grateful that I have my art to keep me occupied, otherwise, I would cry all day.  I have had pain before, but nothing like this.  

My art journal continues

Honestly, have you ever tried getting dressed without bending, lifting or twisting

mirrors should be banned for at least a week after surgery

It's a joy knowing my family and friends will happily help me in any way they can

November 22, 2024

Oh my aching back!!

I’m having back surgery (complete disc replacement) in December.  I’m nervous about it.  There is a list of things I shouldn’t do in the 3 months after surgery, for example, no lifting more than 10 lbs., no twisting or bending, etc.!   I’ll go stir-crazy if I don’t have anything to do.  Since my paintbrushes, paints, and paper don’t weigh much, I will work on an art journal just as I did during COVID-19.  I’ve already started the prep work.  

Journal Cover (front)

I bought quite a few dollar-store children's books, cut books apart
and punched holes using a Cinch machine.
Sanded the front and back of each page; applied a layer of gesso on each side.

Painted the front and back of one page with acrylic paint - this will be the cover

Now the fun really begins.  
I created and painted my image using watercolors, acrylic paint, and Inktense Blocks. 
I utilized my Cricut Explore3 machine to cut a thought bubble and add the text. 
Glued thought bubble on the cover.

The pages are so thick that I must make several sections before binding. 
 I have no idea where this is going, but that's the fun of it!

November 2, 2024


Keeping busy to not think about the upcoming surgery. Putting all my energy into art helps.

My process
Create a background in acrylics

Draw figure and paint using oils

September 16, 2024

"Coneflower with Bee"

 Summer is quickly fading away, but the coneflowers in my garden are still thriving.  (Daily watering gets a little old after a while.) I was lucky enough to take a photo while a bee was gorging.

Background painted with acrylics; sketch with Blackwing pencil

Let the oils begin!

September 5, 2024

Cup Plant

 On my daily walks, I see these tall yellow flowers around Wildflower Lake and the surrounding marsh area.  They look so pretty, especially with a bright blue sky.  I decided to paint them.

9x12 (finished) oils on Arches cotton - background

I did my best to keep it loose!

August 23, 2024

This One Is For the Birds...

 I have a sweet carved bird on my bookcase.  It looked like it needed a new home, so I built one!

chipboard cut with xacto knife, taped together

First layer of plaster mesh; punched hole for a twig;
 glued roof to the house and tied it with a bow to keep in place while drying.

Another layer of plaster mesh; covered roof with Paperclay; added some paint

painted Paperclay flowers leftover from another project and glued to house; add another layer of paint

August 14, 2024

With No Particular Reason...

I really enjoy making a gift for someone special for no particular reason other than she is a nice person.

This morning I presented Kylie with "Autumn Twig" (my son came up with the name).  Kylie was delighted with her as am I.

Assorted twigs found on my morning walks
as well as angel wings made on my Cricut cutting machine

Head created using PaperClay

It was necessary to place the figure into a small bottle to dry after painting her head.
I particularly love the large acorn cap as her beret!

ApoxySculp was used to adhere all the twigs, wings, etc. together

August 7, 2024

I Meant to Put Flowers in Her Hair...

I meant to paint flowers in her hair but then decided not to

20x20 mixed media on stretch canvas

20x20 stretched canvas, acrylic paint background


August 1, 2024

The best part...

The best part of making these creatures is figuring out “how”.   My dad was a carpenter.  He used to drive around on trash days, pick whatever caught his eye, and use it for something.  He didn’t create art, per se, but he liked making do - and so do I!  I’ve been known to dumpster dive - but don’t tell anyone... 

"Wildflower Nymph" 
 Paper clay, acrylic paint, acrylic ink, found and/or vintage objects
“Madame Blue and Her Yellow Flower Boobelahs”
(My friend, Suzanne, comes up with the best names!)
I had a bit of silk and thought I’d tart her up a bit.  
Her dress is trimmed with a cupcake paper.  
Paper clay, acrylic paint, acrylic ink, wooden spools

Both of these figures were made to hang on the wall.  Accomplishing that is a story for another day!

July 24, 2024

Here's the Styrofoam!

I am keeping my sanity by staying busy!   Working intuitively - with only a vague idea of what these girls will grow up to be.
Styrofoam cone cut in half covered with tape and paper clay; created head, face, and hands out of paper clay; dowels for arms (I had to cut them down twice otherwise she looked like an ape with really loooong arms!)  At book club a couple of weeks ago, the hostess offered cupcakes.  I took one home and gobbled it down!    The brown “ruffle” is the cupcake paper I cut to size. Waste not - want not. I’m unsure if I will use it, but I think it could look good - to be determined. 

vintage shoe stretcher - created head, face and flowers with paper clay.  There is a lot more that I want to do her - still thinking about it…

                          Both of these pieces will (hopefully) hang on a wall - I love a challenge!

July 14, 2024

We are Invincible!

Those dreaded words "breast cancer".  Over the years, many of my friends have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I made each friend a doll when I heard their news.  Now it's my turn...

To keep myself from overthinking tomorrow, I’ve been working on these “Invincible” figures…made from bits and pieces I found in my stash, outdoors (tiny pine cones), and even in the freezer - ice cream bar sticks as legs! 

I started the project by sketching a few figures on freezer paper as my patterns.

Several ideas regarding the faces as well as breasts.

I didn't take much fabric with me when I moved from Florida to Illinois.  I'm using scraps of cotton, canvas, and styrofoam for the bodies.

Stuffed and ready to embellish

These two are for friends

This one is for me

In case you're wondering "Where's the styrofoam"? - I'm saving that to make one more figure while I'm recovering.