I've been working hard everyday to complete the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge! You must keep in mind that each day's challenge did not necessarily have a specific theme. The participants were challenged to use certain pictures and/or techniques for that day. For example, on the Eight Day, the challenge was to create a snowflake...I made mine using the number 8!
The Fifth Day of Christmas - Five Golden Rings
The Sixth Day of Christmas - Six Geese a Laying (on the beach!)
The Seventh Day of Christmas - Seven Swans a Swimming
The Eighth Day of Christmas - Eight Maids a Milking

The 9th Day of Christmas - Nine Ladies Dancing
The 10th Day of Christmas - Ten Lords a Leaping
The 11th Day of Christmas - Eleven Pipers Piping
I don't know what Day 12's challenge is (yet) - come back tomorrow to find out. In the meantime, I wish you all a blessed and Merry Christmas. I hope all of your dreams come true!
For more inspiration, go to Pink Saturday!