April 6, 2020

We'll Show You Ours...if

It took me over 2 hours to make our face masks using directions for a 20 minute mask on YouTube!  (You'd think after spending that much time making these masks, I could have made mine large enough to cover my wrinkles!!)

Okay - we've shown you ours...now you show us yours!   Stay safe everyone.


Jeanie said...

I'd attach a pic here but since I can't, I'll be showing one soon -- I think the one in the post is the typical white mask but I've got the bright homemade ones too. They'll be tough to wear when it gets hot, but ask me if I care. I'll wear whatever it takes. Yours look far more "professional" than mine!

The Artful Diva said...

As you say, Jeannie. We must do/wear whatever it takes. I hope you and your family stay healthy and safe. We shall overcome!