March 31, 2015

Old Bug...

Mexico seems to be the place where Volkswagen bugs go to retire.  In San Miguel de Allende, I saw more Volkswagens than any other automobile (except green taxi cabs).

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abrianna said...

That is a very artful vw. Great processing too.

Jeanie said...

Retired but it looks to be with love -- unless that's your addition!

Laura said...

What a great photo, awesome processing too!

Powell River Books said...

I saw an old VW bug on the road the other day. There were so many, it seems strange that so few are still running here in the States. - Margy

betty-NZ said...

How weird. Personally, I owned 2 of them and loved driving them. This is a great edit of a great shot.

EarlK said...

Wonderful memories that you have brought back for me. I had several of them over the years and really enjoyed driving them. I imagine the one in your photo could tell some interesting stories.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

VWs have come to find life again in my town of Hollister, California. One day, I noticed a bunch of rundown VWs in a parking lot downtown. Every time I go by the lot, there are more.
The View from the Top of the Ladder